1863 Month Letters by Date Activity of Hardaway’s Unit Activity of the Civil War January January 1stJanuary 3rdJanuary 7thJanuary 11thJanuary 15thJanuary 19th “Mud March” 1/20 – 1/24 Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation became effective, stating that all slaves in rebelling areas were considered free February February 1stFebruary 8thFebruary 22nd March March 3rdMarch 8thMarch 15thMarch 21stMarch 28th At Falmouth until April The First Conscription Act was set in affect, making all men, ages 20-45, liable to be call for military service. April April 3rdApril 5thApril 11thApril 19thApril 21st Chancellorsville Campaign 4/27 – 5/6: The Battle of Chancellorsville May May 4thMay 11thMay 17thMay 23rdMay 24thMay 31st Battle of Chancellorsville 5/1 – 5/5 The Vicksburg Campaign under General Grant June June 7thJune 16th Gettysburg (Pa.) Campaign 6/11 – 7/24: July July 3rdJuly 5thJuly 17thJuly 19thJuly 26th -Battle of Gettysburg 7/1 – 7/3. -Pursuit of Lee to Manassas Gap 7/5 – 7/24. -Wapping Heights 7/23. Gettysburg Campaign -Battle of Gettysburg July 1-3 August August 30thAugust 31st Hardaway transferred to the 114th NY Volunteers and went to Louisiana September September 12thSeptember 16thSeptember 29th Sabine Pass Expedition9/4 – 9/12Moved to Algiers, thence to Berwick 9/17 October October 1stOctober 9thOctober 17thOctober 25th Western Louisiana Campaign 10/3 – 11/30 November November 2ndNovember 15thNovember 22ndNovember 29th Western Louisiana Campaign 10/3 – 11/30 The Battle of Chattanooga December December 20th At New Iberia Union army successfully defends Knoxville Total Page Visits: 6792 - Today Page Visits: 4